Saturday, 26 February 2011

N u m b e r - 2 4


Fujifilm Senses

Recently as part of our WRJ's we have to enter 3 competitions, when i heard of this i actually got quite excited! i've never actually entered any photographic competitions seriously before, except for one in college, but to be honest i was crap back then and it did not count. so i thought for a starting point, i'll go back to the one i entered to begin with and actually give it a real go instead of shooting some crappy pic of racially aware jelly babies i did last time! lol

so for my image iam going to enter, i was recently in London on a uni trip and it was at xmas time, and i shot this image of the xmas lights and decoration in Carnaby street.
the theme this year for fujifilm is actually "Sen5es", which is different to normal as they usually are based on book covers. so when taking this image, i realized that my senses were actually in play, i was using my sight to take the image, i could hear xmas jingles and the sound of people rushing around doing their xmas shopping and i could smell the cold, sharp xmas air. so in a way, my senses actually made this image possible and this image now conveys a sense of feeling, feeling xmas woo

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

N U M E R O - T w e n t y T w o

H o w T o D e s t r o y A n g e l s - T h e S p a c e I n B e t w e e n

Lately i have been looking into films and how they relate back to photography. The way that they are lite or how the shots are composed in such away that if stopped, the shot itself could become a photographic image.
I came across this short film by a musical collective called 'H o w T o D e s t r o y A n g e l s' for their single 'T h e S p a c e I n B e t w e e n'. I was so impressed about how the film was made i had to make a post about it. The way that its done, where the video's pace is slow and their is only subtle movements by the subjects or the interior, its outstanding. The composition is perfectly executed and every clip could become a beautiful photographic image.
Watch .

P e a c e a n d L o v e